Speed & Service

Improve time-to-yes by 70% and time-to-cash by 50%

Efficiency & Management

Increase loan processing efficiency by 30% or more, while lowering credit risk

Transparency & Control

Monitor performance in just two clicks

Data Mobilisation

Consolidate internal and external databases to better make use of client data


MasterAPS is a secure application processing system (APS) that is fully-customizable to your data and team needs. With advanced data management, easy reporting and extensive connectivity, loan processing has never been easier.

Make your credit process smarter

MasterAPS is a loan application processing system (APS) that makes lending cycles fully-automated. The intuitive interface also makes the credit process easier for every user — from front office staff to senior management.

Result: Improved time-to-yes and time-to-cash


  • Configure your own rule-based workflow
  • Easily monitor the status of applications
  • Implement tailored actions
  • Include an unlimited number of users, workflows and products
  • Create customized templates
  • Attach any file to an application
  • Access MasterAPS from any computer or tablet connected to the internet
  • Receive auto-generated email and SMS notifications
  • Use the platform in the language of your choice
  • Access MasterAPS functions offline from Android and iOS devices (coming soon)
  • Keep track of communications with the built-in user chat function (coming soon)
  • Ensure all steps in the loan process are completed with customizable checklists (coming soon)

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Fill-in the form below to schedule your demo with one of our experts.

    MasterAPS — Loan Application Processing System

    Product Tour

    Reshape loan processing with MasterAPS

    What we show; we deliver

    Request a live demo to see MasterAPS in action

    Trusted by

    What Our Clients Say

    BFC’s APS, with its variety of built-in and customized reports, provides us effective control over sales force results and efficiency, operational activities, and decision-making statistics. Moreover, we are now in a position to collect and store all financial and non-financial data for a challenging client group. A huge and valuable database was already collected within one year of using BFC’s APS.

    Banca Intesa a.d. Beograd (Serbia)
    [September 2018]

    Maja Andonov Head of Small Business Client Department

    With BFC’s APS we have optimized our decision-making process, reshaping it and easily moving from a fully centralized model to semi-centralized. After implementing BFC’s APS within our standard decision-making process, we managed to reduce processing time by 30%. With partial decentralization of the process through BFC’s APS we expect to reduce it by 50%.

    Banca Intesa a.d. Beograd (Serbia)
    [September 2018]

    Djordje Radulović Head of Agriculture Sales Management Office

    Success Story:

    How automation and digitization increased productivity by 25% at Banca Intesa Serbia

    Learn how a leading Serbian bank more than halved loan processing and approval times thanks to BFC’s MasterAPS loan origination system.


    Schedule a demo with one of our experts


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Still have questions?

    Feel free to ask any other question you may have; one of our experts will respond to your questions directly.


    Features for every financial institution

    MasterAPS Standard Package
    • Route your incoming loan applications
    • Set your workflow and organizational structure
    • Manage your credit products and clients
    • Receive alerts and notifications
    • Design and manage forms
    • Exchange and store documents
    • Analyze performance with configurable operational reports
    MasterAPS Pro Package
    • Includes all Standard Features
    • Evaluate your borrowers
    • Communicate via chat
    • Analyze every detail of your business with powerful operational and financial reporting engine
    • Access on Android and iOS
    • 3 months free premium support

    Contact us for a tailored quote

    We’d love to learn more about your needs for a great MasterAPS experience.

    Complete the short form and a MasterAPS expert will contact you directly to answer all your questions.

      Contact us

      Learn more about MasterAPS

      We would be happy to show you all the features of MasterAPS in a live demonstration, answer any questions you may have and/or consider any proposal for collaboration.

      Simply fill out this short form and an expert will be in contact shortly.